Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables

Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables | Packaging of processed fruits and vegetables

Fruit and vegetable packaging Supplies.Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables. Pre packaging of fruits and vegetables.Packaging of processed fruits and vegetables


Packing fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the most important steps in the long and complicated journey from farmers to consumers. Bags, crates, humbers, baskets, cartons, container bins and ballast containers are convenient containers for handling, carrying and marketing new products. More than 1,500 different packages are used for production in the United States and this number will continue to grow as the industry introduces new packaging products and concepts. While the industry is generally agreed that container quality is a way to reduce costs, in recent years there has been a trend toward wider package sizes to suit the diverse needs of wholesalers, consumers, food service consumers and processing operations. Is.

Baking and baking products have a high cost in the manufacturing industry; It is therefore important to have a clear understanding of the wide range of packing options available to bakers, ship buyers, buyers and consumers. This fact sheet describes the different types of packaging, along with their functions, applications and limitations. Including a list of general industry quality container products.

Why does the baking function or package work?

A significant percentage of manufacturer and consumer complaints can be found in container malfunctions due to poor design or improper selection and use. The crop must be preserved and identified in a properly designed container, which will satisfy everyone from the farmer to the consumer.

Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables | Packaging of processed fruits and vegetables

Baking point

Reusable / Biodegradable.

Emerging US markets and many export markets have restrictions on waste disposal for packaging materials. In the future, almost all manufacturing packaging will be recycled or decomposed, or both. Many of the biggest consumers of the new product are very concerned about environmental issues.


This is leading to the greater use of multiple packages of bulk and smaller packages for the processor and consumer consumer. There are over 1,500 different sizes and styles of manufacturer packages.

Sales appeal. High quality graphics are increasingly being used to increase the attractiveness of sales. Multi-color printing, distinctive writing and logos have now become common.

back life.

The innovative wrap wrap can be customized for each product to increase shelf life and reduce waste.


Container work should be placed in convenient units for handling and distribution. The crop should fit snugly in the container with less wasted space. Small spherical or elliptical production materials (such as potatoes, onions and apples) can be packed efficiently using a variety of package sizes and shapes. However, many manufacturers, such as asparagus, berries or soft fruits, may require containers designed for that item.

Labor packs that are usually on hand are usually limited to 50. Many packages moved by forkers can weigh up to 1,200 pounds.

The protection

Harvesting should be protected from mechanical damage and adverse environmental conditions during package handling and delivery. Consumers, manufacturers of torn, torn or deformed packages usually point to carelessness in handling the contents. Container manufacturers must be strong enough to withstand damages while packing, storing and moving to market.

Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables | Packaging of processed fruits and vegetables

Manufacturer containers must have sufficient employability to withstand crushing in low temperature, high humidity environments as almost all manufacturer packages are tapped. Although the price of recycled goods has risen sharply in recent years, substandard, lightweight containers that are easy to handle or damaged by moisture are no longer affordable by bakers or consumers.

The containers must be durable enough to be charged to the manufacturer for export markets. Air-freight work may require special packing, package sizes and insulation. Marketers exporting new products should consult with inventory companies regarding any special packing requirements. In addition, the USDA and various state export companies can provide specific packaging information.

Damage caused by poor environmental controls during handling and transportation is one of the main causes of low yields and declining consumer and consumer satisfaction. Each fresh fruit and vegetable product has its own requirements for temperature, humidity and atmospheric composition.

Container making should be friendly –   helping to maintain the optimum environment for a long shelf life. These include special materials to slow water loss from harvesting, insulation materials to block heat, or engineering plastic liners that maintain a friendly mix of oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Packages should be identified and useful information provided about achievements. It is customary (and in some cases required) to provide information such as product name, brand, quantity, quality, type, net weight, number, breeder, exporter and country of birth. It is becoming increasingly common to see what a package contains, including nutrition, cooking tips, and other useful information especially for consumers. In consumer marketing, the back-edge look has also become an integral part of the sales performance scene.

Importance of packaging of fruits and vegetables | Packaging of processed fruits and vegetables

Global product codes (UPC or bar codes) may be included as part of the labeling. UPC used in the food industry consists of a ten digit machine readable code. The first five digits indicate the number assigned to the specific manufacturer (packer or dispatcher) and the second five digits indicate specific product information such as manufacturer type and package size. Although no pricing details are included, UPC is only used by packers, ship buyers, buyers and, for example, UPC retailers, to control inventory and quickly and easily use cost accounting. Effective use of UPC requires coordination with everyone handling the package.

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