Overeating effects on brain.Effects of overeating on the stomach.Overeating effects on heart.Diseases caused by overeating.
Asif Usman |
A part of our diet is wonderful and scary. On one hand we eat all kinds of food and everything that we do not eat and on the other we eat more than our natural need and energy.
You are not hungry, but your friend insists that the food is ready, you should eat. Forced to sit and eat.
You fill up with food and leave the house, but if you find something good on the way, you start looking for an opportunity to eat it. When you go to a friend's celebration, don't worry thinking that our stomach will heal on its own. what do i call it? But after a while the meaning became clear.
The more you eat, the heavier your body becomes and the more difficult it becomes to move.
It is still difficult to explain to those who do not understand the big things that these digestive things reduce the pain of people at that time, but this pain will be seed and additional disease in their body. The size makes their trees bigger.
The thing is, we can digest as much food as we can, when more than that fills up our stomachs, leaving the digestive tract undigested and half digested when it starts going down the stomach. Due to this many harmful substances come out and become poisonous and get mixed in our blood.
When these harmful elements are detected, our blood gets damaged and it causes various diseases in the body. As the blood disintegrates, later diseases develop in the body. First, waste products accumulate at the bottom of the intestines. There a kind of fermentation starts in them which gives rise to constipation and other dreadful diseases. So don't overeat.
Eating empty stomach can save a person from many diseases.
When you eat too much, the stomach grows back. Next time you need to eat more. When you decide to eat less, there can be problems. The remedy is to eat four or five times a day. Prefer simple food instead of heavy food. While eating, think only about the food.
There is no need to worry about mobile phones, in such a situation there is a risk of overeating. Start eating light salads, which will reduce hunger and eat less. Eat sauces, mousses and fatty foods. Love fruits, vegetables, boiled fish and meat. Drinking water frequently after eating food makes digestion difficult. By following this, you can avoid excess weight and belly weight and possibly gain weight. .
Lastly, it's important to cook thoroughly to kill bacteria, but not to lose all of the nutrients. Cooking can produce harmful chemicals. Similarly, starchy breads (cereals, potatoes or cookies) should be avoided.
In this condition a compound called acrylamide starts to form. Boiling potatoes is very beneficial. Do not use too much oil for frying. There is also a chemical called PAH, which European companies consider to be unhealthy. Fried fresh ice not only improves the taste, but is also the first priority for health.